
«Odamlar o’ynaydigan o’yinlar» by Erik Bern

Erik Bern

The book «Odamlar o’ynaydigan o’yinlar» by Eric Berne, one of the famous psychologists of the 20th century, was translated into Uzbek.

Eric Burn is an American psychologist and psychiatrist. He is widely known as the scientist who first developed the idea of transactional analysis.

The author focuses on the “transactions” underlying interpersonal relationships in the development of psychoanalytical ideas, general theories and methods of treatment of nervous and mental disorders.

Transactional analysis is a psychological model that serves to describe and analyze individual and collective behavior. This model encompasses philosophies, theories, and methods that allow people to understand themselves or their unique characteristics in relationships with others.

One thought on “«Odamlar o’ynaydigan o’yinlar» by Erik Bern

  1. Surayyo says:

    bu kitob qachon chiqadi

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